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3 DIY Hair Masks That Will Actually Work

We all have hair problems, whether it’s breakage, dryness, flakes, frizz, or fading. Seasonal fluctuations, interior heat, outside elements, and hot hair tools are just a few of the factors that might contribute to these alterations. You don’t have to go to the shop or add another beauty item to your Amazon cart, thankfully: You can restore your hair by going directly to your kitchen and using common household components to make a DIY hair treatment.

With only a few pantry supplies, you can have an at-home spa day. You can make remedies for everything from your scalp to your strands!
Ingredients for natural homemade masks

The most common ingredients for homemade hair masks are:

olive oil – closes the moisture in the hair and the hair then dries less
honey – has antibacterial effects
eggs – has a disinfectant effect and contains many nutrients and proteins (use whole or only yolk)
lemon juice – smoothes the surface of the hair, which is then firmer and shiny

Other ingredients that are added to the mask:

cucumber juice – moisturizes hair
avocado – moisturizes and softens hair and scalp, has a high content of vitamins and minerals
banana – nourishes hair and gives it shine, has a hydrating effect and high content of vitamins and potassium
milk, cottage cheese, yogurt – moisturizes hair and scalp
salt – softens the skin, improves the cleansing ability of the shampoo

Lemon anti-dandruff mask

*Juice of one lemon
*1 liter of lukewarm water

Mix the squeezed lemon juice with lukewarm water, massage into the hair, and leave on for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cold water. If you have split ends, apply water with lemon to only two-thirds of the hair (from the head) and do not soak it in the lemon solution.

Banana mask for dry hair

*One banana
*One teaspoon honey
*Little olive oil
Banana is full of vitamins and minerals that hydrate hair and give it shine. At the same time, it nourishes her abundantly. Mash the banana, add a teaspoon of honey and a little olive oil. Apply the mask on dry hair twice a week.

Mask for oily hair

*5 proteins

The egg helps to decrease the hair and scalp. Therefore, apply 5 whipped egg whites on the hair and leave it on until the mask dries. Then rinse your head well.

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